How many can you do outside in one winter day?
- Be like Captain Sir Tom see how far you can walk in the garden.
- Ride your bike in the park
- Fly a kite.
- Blow bubbles using a DIY mix.
- Play classic games like Simon Says, What time is it Mr Wolf
- Look for pine cones, acorns, etc and count them
- Draw a hopscotch and learn how to play.
- Set up a canvas on a wall and paint.
- Plant a small container garden.
- Learn to take a photo
- Wash the car.
- Play football.
- Jump in puddles
- Sing as loud as you can.
- Water the plants
- Search for bugs.
- Make homemade bird feeders out of pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed.
- Look for things like pine cones, sticks, shells, and rocks to make a mobile.
- Find shapes in the clouds.
- Paint rocks.
- Paint hard boiled eggs
- Build a snowman